Scuba Cat IDC

Go Pro PADI Instructor Internship

We are a PADI 5 * CDC and our team of PADI Instructors and Course Directors run courses and Internships that help take your diving dreams so much further.

Once you have decided you would like to enrol on our Instructor Internship, you will begin learning how to take your basic diver skills and DM skills, and use them to develop into a PADI Open Water Scuba Instructor (OWSI).

With a wide range of training and a professional knowledge base, we will teach you the skills that need to be acquired in order to gain entry to the PADI Instructor Development Course (IDC) and the Instructor Exam (IE).

We will provide you with full time accommodation at a well located guesthouse and a complete set of diving equipment that will be needed for your training.

Upon completion of your internship, it will be easy to gain employment within the diving industry.

Before you leave the safe haven of our dive center, we will conduct workshops so that you can create a unique resume to take with you. You will be fully knowledgeable about being a PADI member and will be ready to go find your dream job.

You will also be able to access the PADI Pro website where there is a comprehensive employment and recruitment section. Many reputable dive centers across the world advertise vacancies here.

We are proud to tell you that the majority of our Interns do find their dream job prior to finishing the courses.

Included in this package:

Courses Additional
PADI Open Water Course Full set of equipment*
PADI Advanced Open Water Course 5 PADI Specialties for MSD rating*
PADI EFR – Emergency First responder 6 month accommodation*
PADI CFC – Care For Children All PADI manuals
PADI Emergency Oxygen Provider All PADI fees paid
PADI Rescue Diver Unlimited Diving
PADI Master Scuba Diver - MSD Liveaboard experience**
PADI Divemaster Course Job placement service
PADI EFR/CFC Instructor Visa assistance
PADI Emergency Oxygen Provider Instructor Dive resort business management
PADI IDC – Instructor Development Course

* Optional - ** Seasonal

Level before you arrive Duration (Months) Price (Baht) Equipment Excluded Accommodation Excluded Equipment
& Accom Excluded
Non Diver 6 395,050 357,550 323,050 285,050
Open Water Diver 3 356,550 319,050 308,550 271,050
Advanced Diver 3 343,050 305,550 295,050 257,550
Rescue Diver 3 307,550 270,050 271,550 234,050
Divemaster 2 285,050 220,550 234,050 196,550

The minimum time for a non-diver is 6 months from the date you are certified PADI Open Water Diver, for the others, it's depending on how many dives do you have.

*Depending on how many dives you have the time can be reduced.

*MSD Option - if you do not want this rating take away 45,000 Baht